Setting up your Bioregistry

Create your Bioregistry

Click here to create your organization’s bioregistry. You’ll be asked to set up an organization (if you don’t have one) and assign initials for your team.

Establish Standard Schemas

Once you’ve created your registry, you can create establish standard naming schemes to make searching, tracking, and sharing more streamlined.

You can set up schemas for the biological entities you want to track. Click the registry panel on the left navigation bar and then the gear icon to open the settings page.

Schemas are customizable for the lab, but we’ve started you off with default schemas for Bacterial Strain and Yeast Strain below.

Note: Schemas are set globally - all members in your organization will see new schemas and the corresponding File Fields.

Configure File Fields

Clicking into the Bacterial Strain will take you to the File Field page below, where you can can set the required meta data for your entities.

For the Bacterial Strain file field below, all members in your organization will be required to include information about the host strain, embedded plasmid, resistance marker, and box location for every new bacterial strain.

Components of the File Field page:

Build Dropdowns

Use dropdowns to keep the lab standardized on spelling and naming conventions, especially for important metadata like resistance markers.