View your projects by clicking on the briefcase icon on the left side panel.
Right-click on your project that you’d like to share, and click Settings.
Under Manage Collaborators, type in the username of the individual or the name of the organization with whom you would like to share the project, and click Add Collaborator.
Choose the permissions level for the user/organization, and click Save. Your collaborators will now be able to access the project in their own project panel.
READ: Can view files in your project, but cannot make changes
WRITE: Can view and edit the project
ADMIN: Can add collaborators to the project, in addition to viewing, editing, or deleting the project
On the plasmid map that you’d like to share, click the Share button, and copy the Read-only access link
Anyone with the link will now be able to view your plasmid (but not edit or analyze the plasmid)